Male Mail

Levin got himself a package in the mail today.

I'll let his gift do the talking (it's on his head).

Levin spent the rest of the afternoon going on, and on, and ON about how dapper he looks.

It's going straight to his head.

My cousin Maddie made them.  Being thirteen keeps her busy.  I bet she'd take orders, though.


Oh my gosh. That hat is darling! Maddie is so talented. I can't believe her skills at thirteen-- photography, hat making, garnishes, writing -- she's amazing. Levin's lucky to have her as a cousin.

I think Levin has mood eyes that change with his surroundings. Maybe it's because me and mood rings dominated the 70's, but those eyes look positively gray today.
I think it's cute how he always sucks on that one corner of his lip.
I mean accessories, not surroundings.
Cassidy said…
Seriously such a cute baby!!! Oh my goodness I'm in love with him!
Way to go Maddie!
And you too Cali, since you made the thing UNDER the hat. ;)
Gwen said…
The hat is cute, but Levin is ADORABLE! A charmer for sure!
Deidra said…
Levin is one handsome boy and your pictures are so good!
Kennedy said…
what a cute boy, i didnt even know you had a baby. your family is adorable.
Haley Krumblis said…
Ugh, that last picture made me homesick for him. Can you bring him back? Maybe we'll need to meet at your mom's house sometime soon. Love and miss you (and him. and Ray too:))