How to Boil a Frog

Being that Levin can crawl and pull himself up on things... we're not sure why he stays in bed.

A burning desire to obey I guess.


Rachel said…
Oh my goodness I love that boy. What a good idea to put the cradle on the floor. Is that what they usually did?? I would worry about snakes. Because that's what I like to do. I also LOVE the picture of Michelangelo.
Nicole said…
He is a rule follower! He is getting so big, I need to see you all soon.
Ande said…
That's how we'll measure if he's becoming more like Ray or Cali. Does he follow rules or not?
Oh ho. Ande nailed it.

My guess is he is like his grandma. Content.

I think this is the funniest thing.
Deidra said…
I'm curious as to who is the rule follower and who is not... Whatever it is that keeps him in the cradle— enjoy it while it lasts!

I know I say it every time, but that kid is so cute!
Anonymous said…
My youngest wiill be three in may. He can crawl out of his crib and has twice, but he always waits for someone to get him. Levin is a cutie.
melanie said…
Oldest child= rule follower, rule enforcer, fair evaluator.

He is a darling boy!